2019 Conference was in Bermuda
The 18th International Conference of National Trusts was hosted by the National Trust of Bermuda.

INTO Programmes and Campaigns
INTO serves as an indispensable resource among National Trust and like-minded organisations, bringing people together to share information, best practices and inspiration. We offer an invaluable bank of knowledge and experience to strengthen existing National Trusts and similar bodies towards the achievement of their objectives, and to empower communities seeking to develop new Trust-like organisations.

News from our Member Trusts
The INTO membership includes established organisations which have been practising heritage conservation for many years as well as new and developing Trusts. No one has all the answers and there is as much for the mature bodies to learn as the fledgling ones. Here a National Trust apprentice joiner from the UK shares experience on an INTO Working Holiday in Tongli, China.

Our Amicus Programme
The INTO Amicus Programme brings together a very special group of individuals who care deeply about the important international work that INTO performs. Amicus members contribute financially in support of INTO and share in being a direct part of this special group.